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Edit Profile

Edit details in your user profile, change email notifications, and update your password here.

Paxton Willard avatar
Written by Paxton Willard
Updated over 10 months ago

Edit Profile

Your profile name can be found in the bottom left corner of your screen. This is where you can access your user settings.

You may edit your User Profile and change your personal information by selecting the pencil at the top right of your user profile card. Add your address by selecting Add Address. You may also update your password by selecting Update Password in the bottom right section.

In the top right, you can choose the Appearance. If you would like for your studio in light mode or dark mode, or if it will match your system. (This is only for your personal view.)

You can also determine what notifications you want to receive in your inbox.

Please note, you receive email notifications on project related actions taken by the client, any invoices paid, a contract approved, or messages sent in the message center in addition to the bell option notifications. Hence, you might want to consider turning off any of these if you are being too spammed by email notifications or you choose not to receive them in your email.

At the very bottom right you will also see the version of Mydoma NEXT that you are currently running.

If you need any additional support, click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner to chat with a member of our team.

Happy designing!

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