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Studio Settings - Basic Info

Customize your Studio Settings to better fit your brand and your business!

Paxton Willard avatar
Written by Paxton Willard
Updated over a week ago


Select your studio name or Logomark at the top left of your studio. This will open a drop down and you will select "Studio Settings."

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Basic Info

The Basic Info section is where you can:

  • Upload: Your logo, logo mark, Studio background image, and welcome video.

  • Edit: Your Studio name, intro title and text.

  • Input: Your tax number and business address.

  • Select: Your default currency and Studio theme.

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Logo and Background Image

Upload your logo to populate throughout your Studio and a background image for your Studio login page.

Click here

Click on the pencil icon of the image you wish to upload or change. You can drag and drop an image in the box, browse your computer files, or upload an image URL.

Once you've selected your image, click "Upload." Your logo and background image can be in a JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, or WEBP format. Keep in mind that the image will auto adapt to your login page based on the screen size - meaning it doesn't need to fill in this whole area.

Studio Name, Intro Title, and Intro Text

Studio Name: This is the name of your Business

Intro Title and Text: This goes onto your Studio login page on top of the background image above. You can welcome clients to your Studio and add any slogans or mission statements you use regularly within your business.

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Tax Number and Business Address

Enter your Tax Number in the Tax Number field to populate on Orders and Invoices if needed (this is optional). Add your Business Address by clicking "+ Add Address" - this also populates on Orders and Invoices.

Click here

Logo Mark

A logomark is typically an image or symbol that represents your brand and usually doesn't include your business name. Your logomark will be shown at the top of your studio menu.

To add your logo mark you will select the Pencil Icon and upload your logomark similar to how you uploaded your Logo.

Click here

Default Currency

Click the drop down menu under Default Currency to select the default currency you use when adding products to your catalog. This can be overridden on individual products if need be.

Click here

Select Studio Theme

Want to change the colors throughout your Studio? Choose from one of the pre-made color palettes from the Studio Themes!

**Note** This will change the color theme for everyone who logs in to your Studio, and the theme of your email notifications and invites.

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Learn more about:

If you need any additional support, click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner to chat with a member of our team.

Happy designing!

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