Update your Subscription
Select or update your Mydoma Studio and Visualizer subscriptions here! You are also able to add team members here. If you have questions about our plans let us know and we can help choose the right plan for you.
You will receive a confirmation email of any plan change followed by a receipt for your purchase.
Please Note: For Canadian Customers, the pricing will be in CAD and the pricing is $87 per month or $940 per annum for the Starter Package.
The Visualizer Pro for Canadian Customers is $37.50 per month or $450 per annum. Pricing in CAD.
Additional Team members can be add at $87 per Team Member per month.
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have further questions via chat or email us at
Update your Payment Information
You can add or update your card information here as well. Find your Payment Method at the top of the page and on the far right select "Edit."
If you need any additional support, click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner to chat with a member of our team.
Happy designing!