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Add and Edit a Custom Product in a Project
Add and Edit a Custom Product in a Project

Create Custom Grouped Products to add all the elements of Custom Products under one custom piece.

Paxton Willard avatar
Written by Paxton Willard
Updated over 10 months ago

Add a Custom Product

Custom Products are great for custom upholstery or custom window treatments, for example.

To add a Custom Product, click "Custom" in the upper right-hand corner.

Then you will enter the name of the custom product here.

Next, you will edit the custom product by selecting the pencil at the top right and entering your Custom Product information into the box that pops up.

Info & Pricing

Basic Info

  • Custom Product Name - What would you like to name the overall product? For example, Custom Drapery.

  • Description - Describe what this product includes. To continue with the example above, includes drapery hardware, drapery fabric, installation, and labor.


  • Qty - How many of the custom products are they getting?

  • Price - What is the base price for this custom product?

  • Currency - select your currency.

  • Base tax rate - what is the tax rate that needs to be applied to this custom product?

**Note** Designer Discount, Client Markup, and Client Discount are applied to the subitems within the Custom Product - not on this header page.


  • Shipping Amount - How much is the shipping cost?

  • Shipping is taxable? - Leave the box checked if shipping is taxable, or uncheck it if not!


  • Product Code - What is the product SKU or item number?

  • Vendor - Select the vendor for this custom product.

  • Category - Select a Category from the dropdown menu.

  • Subcategory - Select a Subcategory from the dropdown menu after having selected a Category. You can select a Subcategory you've already created for the selected category or create a new one.

    To create a new subcategory, click the dropdown menu then start typing in the empty field. Click "Create ..."


Upload any featured image and additional images you'd like the client to see for this product. For example, a rendering of the custom drapery.

**Note** Your logo will show if you do not have a Custom Product image. Once you upload an image, the logo will be replaced with your upload.

If you do not like the Custom Product photo you selected, simply upload another image to change the feature image of the Custom Product! Once uploaded, click the star in the upper left-hand corner of the newly uploaded photo to change the feature image. Then click the "red x" in the upper right-hand corner of the old featured image to remove it from this Custom Product.


Add the pieces that make up the Custom Product from within Sub-Items. You can add existing products and services from your Studio for this custom product. For example, drapery hardware, drapery fabric, installation, and labor.

When clicking the "Products" or "Services" button within the Sub-items tab, it'll work just the same as adding Products or Services as mentioned above.

**Note** To sort the sub-items, click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the Custom Product heading. Then click "Sort subitems."

From there, click on the horizontal lines to drag and drop the items into the order of your choosing!


  • Shared notes with clients - add a note to this custom product for your client to view.

  • Private notes - add notes that only the team can see

When you're done adding all the information you'd like for the Custom Product, click "Done."

**Note** Be sure to check the currencies of the Sub-items within your Custom Products! If you're a designer who works in multiple currencies, it will still add the amount of the Sub-items together at the top as one total. For example, your USD sub-item amount will be added to your CAD sub-item amount.

Add existing items that are in your project to a custom product:

You are able to add existing products in a project into a custom product. To do this on the item you added to the project, you will select the More menu (3 dots) and select the option to Add to a custom product.

From here you will select the custom product name that you would like to add it to and select add to finalize this.

To remove an item from a Custom Product:

Select the pencil at the top right to edit.

Then select Sub-items. From here you will be able to select the "-" to keep the item in the project, but remove it from the group, or the trash can to completely remove this sub-item from the project as a whole.

Create Custom Product Template:

You are able to save a custom product as a template. To do this on the Custom product you created in the project, you will select the More menu (3 dots) and select the option to Save custom product as a template.

Give the template an internal name and description, so in the future you know what the template holds at a glance. We also recommend adding the date you created the template to know when you last updated it.

If you need additional support, click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner to chat with a team member.

Happy designing!

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