There are a few ways for you to access the Help Center.
Option 1: Accessing the Help Center from the Logomark/ Studio Name
Click on your logomark/ studio name on the top left corner from any place in your studio. The third option is Help Guides, this will take you to the help page:
You are welcome to bookmark our help page for easier and quick access too. You can copy the link here: or simply follow the steps shown in the screenshot above.
Option 2: Accessing the Help Center from the Resource Center
Alternatively, when in your studio portal, at any screen, you can access the Help Center by clicking on the Question Mark Icon on the top right corner of your Mydoma web page. This has been shown in the screenshot below:
Next, to access the Help Guides, select the third option on the Resource Center widget, as highlighted in the Screenshot:
You can now scroll on this widget to view the collection- aka topic of interest, or simply click on the box icon with an arrow (link icon) to access the Help Center.
This page will open in a new tab.
You are welcome to bookmark our help page for easier and quick access too. You can copy the link here:
Option 3: How to access Help Articles from within the In-chat widget?
Within the in-app chat, you also have the ability to access your Mydoma Help Center.
IMP TIP: This is a great place in order to open up your help articles when you are accomplishing a task/ or taking any action in Mydoma and if you are in need of a quick refresher.
Step 1: You are able to click on the Help option within the in-app chat to access the entire Mydoma Help Center.
Step 2: Let's say you or your team member wanted to learn more about adding and inviting clients to your studio, you are easily able to access the help articles within the in-app chat.
You may also select to open the article in a new tab from the very bottom of the article.
Step 3: You are able to expand and contract the help widget to adjust it on your screen, while you are working within your studio. Also, to go back to a section or another topic, just click on the back arrow as shown in the screenshot below.
If you need any additional support, click the question mark in the right-hand corner to chat with a member of our team.
Happy designing!