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Mydoma NEXT Updates - 3.15.0
Mydoma NEXT Updates - 3.15.0

Updates to Mydoma NEXT released on 2023-11-06

Written by Greg Beauchamp
Updated over a year ago



Your friendly digital assistant who can help you maximize your workflow, maximize your time, maximize your profits; Max is currently assisting with new user onboarding and hosting the resource center

Products - Public Libraries

Added three Mydoma Product Libraries with thousands of products clipped by Mydoma

Project Invoices

Added Billing Address section

Project Invoice PDFs

Added Bill to section

Project Appointments

Added the ability to create appointments and immediately set them as booked (no booking link required)


Adding products to project now allows for bulk tagging items

Payment Reports

Added Currency column

Invoice Reports

Added Exported column to indicate which invoices have been exported to QBO

Task Manager

Added the ability to collapse sections

Message Center

Added the ability for clients to initiate a message with designated users (please note that this feature must first be enabled in the studio settings)

Studio Settings - Messages

Added a page to the Studio Settings for Messages that includes the ability to set whether clients can initiate message and to designate users to receive messages

Studio Settings - Studio History

Added a page to the Studio Settings for Studio Event History that includes the ability to filter


Resource Center

Now presented by Max!


Ability to add/edit name field is more clear when creating and when editing tasks

Products Index

Formerly the Product Catalog, the Products Index now clearly separates the studio’s product catalog from our partner vendor product libraries and the new Mydoma product libraries


Project Questionnaires, Appointments, and Files & Media: Fixed an issue that prevented embedded items from displaying in Firefox

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