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Mydoma NEXT Updates - 3.17.0
Mydoma NEXT Updates - 3.17.0

Updates to Mydoma NEXT released on 2024-01-16

Written by Greg Beauchamp
Updated over a year ago


Studio and Project Calendars

Message Center

Added the ability to create custom hyperlinks in messages:

Resource Center: Support Chat Bubble

Added long click (or press) on Resource Center to have help center button open the designer success chat bubble directly.

Resource Center: Community

Added the VA directory to the Community tab of the Resource Center:

Client Studio Event History

Added a button in the client profile to quickly access studio event history for that client:

Team Member Studio Event History

Added the option on the team member profile more menu to quickly access studio event history for that team member:

Client Management Summary

Added ability to collapse Client Management Summary on large screens:

  • Product Catalog: Added the ability to bulk edit Tags, Vendor, Category & Subcategory, and Price type properties in product catalog

Projects: Orders and Invoices: Multiple Email Addresses

Added the ability to send orders and invoices to multiple email addresses at the same time

Orders/Estimate Requests:


Projects: Orders and Invoices

Added a warning that will appear if products and/or services have a different currency than the order or invoice to which they are being added:

One or more selected items have a different currency than the invoice.

One or more selected items have a different currency than the invoice


Message Center Refresh

Increased the size of the message center, refreshed the message center’s styling to make it easier to see which conversations have new or messages; updated copy for clarity

Client Profile: Internal Notes

Renamed "public notes" and "status notes" on client profiles to "internal notes"

Visualizer on Small and Medium Screens

For clarity, a warning has been added that will pop up on mobile devices when the Visualizer launch button is selected; the Visualizer will no longer attempt launch on small screens

Please Note: This warning will also appear if the browser window you are launching from is too small, has been zoomed in too closely, or has too low resolution. First maximize the browser window and then click to launch the Visualizer.


Long Running Processes Response

Updated the method for responding to long running processes.

If you need any additional support, click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner to chat with a member of our team.

Happy designing!

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