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How to edit a Task

Edit Tasks created for yourself, Team Members, or Clients in your Task Management Center.

Paxton Willard avatar
Written by Paxton Willard
Updated over a week ago

Editing Tasks

To edit a task you will click anywhere on the task from the calendar on your dashboard.

A tab will open to the right of your screen called Event Details. Click on the pencil to edit the task.

Task Name:

At the very top left you will see the task name. To edit the name you will click on the pencil icon on the right.

Task Name:

This will open a pop up where you can edit the name of the task and then select "Save."

Click here


You are able to update the status of a task at the top left. The options are: To Do, In Progress, or Done.


To change the status click on the drop down, or select the check mark to mark it Done automatically.

Click here


Also at the top left is the priority level. To change the priority you will click on the priority and it will let you select between Low, Medium, or High Priority.

Click here


Both clients and team members can be assigned to the task as an assignee or watcher. The Assignees are the person/people meant to do the task. While the Watchers are assigned to be able to follow along with a task as it progresses.


To add someone as an Assignee/Watcher, Click the person/eye icon just below Assignees/Watchers. Depending on which you would like to add. Then it will show a drop down option.

Click here

From here you can click on the drop down and search for names in the search box, or scroll through and click on the names you would like to add. You will know they are selected by a green check mark on the right of their name.

If you accidentally selected someone, click on their name again to remove the check mark. Then select "OK" to save.

Click here

Start/End Date:

Next you can indicate when you want the task to start and when the task is due. To add the Start/End Date, select the field, then you can select the day you want.

Note: If you are trying to change the task to be later, and have the end date set, you will not be able to set the start date past this day. So you may need to change the end date first. Also vice versa if you are trying to make the task sooner.

Start/End Date:

If you would like to change the month you can select the arrows at the top right corner. To change the year you can select the month and year in the middle to then choose the year.

Click here

If you would rather type in the date, you will select the pencil icon at the bottom left to switch the view.

Click here

Then you will be able to type in the date, Month/Day/Year. Of course if you would like to switch back to the calendar view you may select the calendar icon at the bottom left.

Click here


If you would like to leave a comment, you can click in the comment box, format as desired, and then send the comment. This does send an email notification to those on the Task as well.

If you would like to edit a comment you left, you will select the pencil icon on the right of the comment. This will open a pop up and allow you to make any edits, and select "Save" when you are done.



Select which project this task is assigned to.


To set the project, you will select the drop down, and then select the project you would like to assign this to.

If you accidentally selected the wrong project you can use the drop down again. To remove the project you will select the X on the right of the project name.

Click here


To help with filtering or associating a task with a view/room/category, you are able to add tags to the task.


Click the tag icon on the left with the dotted box to select which tags you would like. Click on the tag lower to add a tag. If you would like to remove a tag, you can select the X on the right of the tag.

Click here


Here you can further describe what needs to be done for the task in a freeform way. Click inside the box to start typing and you have a few formatting options here as well.



You are also able to add a checklist for any subtasks that need to be done to complete the overall task. To add a new item to the check list you will click in the text box. then you will type what you would like on the checklist. To continue adding more lines, press Enter on your keyboard to continue to the next line or to simply save what you have entered. Then click off the checklist (somewhere on the task pop up) to stop adding.

To rename a line you can click on the text for this line or select the 3-dots on the right, and then "Rename." In the 3-dots on the right, you also have the option to delete a line.

To check items off you will select the checkbox on the left of the line you would like to check off. Click on the check again to remove the check.



Have a place for you, your team, and your clients to upload images and files to a task.

Select the 3-dots on the far right of an uploaded file to download the file, or delete the file from a task. You are also able to move Task attachments to Files & Media inside a project as well from here.


Select "Add Files" to upload any files to this task. This will open a pop-up window for you, your team, or your clients, to add a variety of files.

Once you have selected the files you would like to upload, be sure to select the "Upload" button to finalize uploading files.

Click here

Save Task:

Once you are done editing a Task you will select "Done" at the bottom right corner

Save Task:

Editing outside the Task Current Tasks:

When you are looking at the summary of a task, you are also able to change the priority of a task by clicking on the priority.

Editing outside the Task Current Tasks:
Click here

You are also able to edit the Assignees, by clicking on the other assignees.

Click here
Click here

In the Task Manager you are able to edit these and also tags.


To edit a tag you will click on the tag icon and make any changes here.


If you need any additional support, click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner to chat with a member of our team.

Happy designing!

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