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The Client's Experience
The Client's Experience

While most of what you see is what they get, never wonder what the client sees when they login to your Studio!

Written by Greg Beauchamp
Updated over 6 months ago

Please note - Since designers use their Studios uniquely to best fit their business, different clients will have different experiences. We always suggest you make a test client, add them to a project and login as the test client in order to get the full client experience for your Studio. The recommended browsers are Google Chrome or Firefox.

In this Help Article:


Designer View

Client View

What's different?

The Welcome Video and Welcome Message: You can add a client welcome video and/or welcome message for your clients. Add them in your studio settings or choose from one of our default options. You can also create client-specific videos and messages in each client's profile.

The Studio Navigation Menu: Clients have a unique navigation menu that allows them to access projects individually (via the Projects button) or access all resources (contracts, proposals, invoices, etc.) via the resource buttons on the screen. The number of buttons will depend on the features that you have activated within their projects.

The main navigation buttons across the bottom of the screen (Home, Notifications, Messages, Settings, and Help) will always remain at the bottom of their screen, no matter what device they're using.

Indicator Dots: When a client has actions to take in their studio, an indicator dot will show on that resource's button on the client's home screen. These actions are:

  • Contract ready for approval

  • Proposal ready for approval

  • Files & Media ready for approval

  • Appointments to be booked

  • Questionnaires to be answered

  • Invoice needing payment

Designer Resource Center:

Client Help Center:

Note: You will need to activate the client help center. It can be found in the Client Resources section of your studio settings.


Project Tab

Designer View

Client View

What's different?

Search/Filter Panel: Clients will not have the option to filter by archived projects, filter by client, or filter by team member. When you archive projects, clients can still login and see their information like normal, it just helps you clean out your project list!

Number of Projects: Clients will only see the projects you have added them to.

Misc.: Clients will not see the "Add Project" button!

Inside the Project

Please note - The sections below depend on the features you have toggled on or off for your projects. Since designers use their Studios uniquely to best fit their business, different clients will have different experiences. We always suggest you make a test client, add them to a project and login as the test client in order to get the full client experience for your Studio.

The examples below have all features turned on.

Project Overview

Designer View

Client View

What's different?

The Project Navigation Menu: Clients will never see the Orders tab.

Tabs that you can toggle off (hiding them from the client and you) include:

  • Appointments

  • Files & Media

  • Design boards

  • Notes

  • Proposals

  • Questionnaires.

**Note** This may vary from project to project depending on the features that you have toggled on/off in each project.

Who has access?: Clients can see who is on a project but not any emails like you can as the Designer. This helps them remember who they need to contact about their project.

Misc.: Clients will not be able to edit the project overview. **Note** This is same throughout each of their projects.


Designer View

Client View

What's different?

Pending Contracts: Clients can only see contracts that are ready for their approval. If there is a contract on the project and the client is not a signatory on that contract, the client will not see it.

Misc.: Clients cannot reorganize the contracts or edit the contracts.

Inside a contract

Designer View

Client View

What's different?

Contract Body: Clients will not be able to edit the contract or change any of the formatting.

Templates: Clients will not see Contract Templates or be able to apply them.

Misc.: Clients will not be able to add Signatories to the contract or toggle "Ready for Signature".

Clients can download the Contract as a PDF and they can see the signatories on a the contract.

Products & Services

Please note - The views below depend on the field of visibility you have set for your Views. Since designers use their Studios uniquely to best fit their business, different clients will have different experiences. We always suggest you make a test client, add them to a project and login as the test client in order to get the full client experience for your Studio.

If you aren't sure how to add a client to a specific view click here.

Designer View

Designer Enter Views:

Client View

List display:

What's different?

Views: Clients will only see views you've shared with them. They will never see your All Products & Services page. **Note** For product information, what you see is what they get. See the example below for the Family Room View as the Designer and the Client.

Bathroom View - Designer

Bathroom View - Client

Statuses: Clients can only see Proposed Status: Approved Proposed Status: Ready for Approval, Invoiced Status: Paid, or Invoiced Status: Unpaid. They will not be able to see unpublished Proposals, Order statuses, or unpublished Invoice statuses.

Search/Filter Panel: Clients will only see the Views that have been shared with them. They will not be able to edit, duplicate, reorganize, or delete.


**Note** This feature can be toggled off.

Designer View

Client View

What's different?

Proposal Status: Clients will not see unpublished Proposals

Inside a Proposal

Designer View

Client View

What's different?

Misc.: Clients will not see the "Public Note," "Add files," the pencil to edit the proposal, or the "Ready for client approval" buttons. Clients will also have different options when clicking on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. Clients will only be able to download a PDF of the Proposal whereas Designers can also delete a Proposal or turn the Proposal into an Invoice.


Designer View

Client View

What's different?

Invoice Summary: Clients will only see the Invoice Summary that reflects the Invoices made visible to them. (Published invoices have an eye icon on the Designer View).

Invoice Status: Clients will not see any Invoices that are not set as visible to them.

Misc.: Clients can only download the Invoice as a PDF or CSV whereas Designers can also email the Invoice to the clients or delete the invoice from the invoice More menu.

Please note: Your client's Invoices & Payments section is also where they can view their Purchased Package receipts and client credits.

Purchased Package receipts: If a client purchases a package from you, they will be able to see a record of the packages that they purchased.

Client Credits: If you add credits to a client profile they will be able to see the breakdown here.

Inside an Invoice

Designer View

Client View - Logged into the Studio

Client View - Paying via emailed Invoice

What's different?

Fees Information: **Note** If you do not have Stripe connected, this box will not show in your Designer View.

Clients will not see the payment processing fees information where you can pass along the fees to the client. They will only see the total of the fees when they click "Pay now" to pay the Invoice.

Payments: Clients will not be able to add a Partial Payment, change the description of a payment or change the due date of a payment. Clients cannot mark an Invoice as paid (if paying via check, cash, etc.), they can only make a payment.

Misc.: Clients will not be able to see the Public Note button, the pencil icon to edit the Invoice number, the Add payment button, the Add files button, or the Ready for client to pay button. Clients have a different menu when clicking on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. Clients can only download the Invoice as a PDF whereas the Designer can also email to client and view email history.

For a cleaner look, clients also do not see the client list on the Invoice (of the clients attached to their project).


Designer View

Client View

NOTE: Clients never see the Orders tab. This is specifically for you and any team members you choose to share them with.

What's different?

Technically everything - this is the one tab within a project where clients will not see the tab or any of the information inside at all.


**Note** This feature can be toggled off to hide it from everyone on the project.

Example shown via Calendly link. You can also use Acuity or Google Calendar. Learn more about embedding appointments.

Designer View

Client View

What's different?

Add appointment - Clients will not be able to add appointment links to book.

Book appointment - Clients will be able to book the appointment through the calendar function provided by your Calendly, Acuity, or Google Calendar links by clicking on the Unbooked Appointment card (for example, where it says Project Kickoff in the image above). You as the designer will be able to move the appointment to show as booked in the studio by the 3-dots at the top right coroner of the appointment.

Tags - Clients will not be able to add tags to appointments (booked or not), but they will be able to see the tags you have added. Tags are a great way to keep track of which appointment is for which space, location, etc. Ex. a Showroom visit for the Kitchen.

Update booked date - Clients should be able to reschedule through the confirmation email received through your calendar software (Calendly, Acuity, or Google Calendar) but will not be able to see or click "Update booked date" under the three dots on the top right corner.

Edit or delete appointments - Clients will not be able to see the three dots on appointments (booked or not) to edit (change appointment name or link) or delete an appointment.


**Note** This feature can be toggled off to hide it from everyone on the project.

Example shown via JotForm. You can also use Google Forms, Survey Monkey, Type Form, etc. Learn more about embedding questionnaires.

Designer View


Client View

What's different?

Add Questionnaire - Clients will not be able to add a questionnaire

Complete Questionnaire - Clients will be able to answer the questionnaire within their Studio but will not be able to mark the questionnaire as complete to move it over to the completed questionnaires. This is located under the three dots of a questionnaire

Menu under the three dots of a questionnaire - For open questionnaires, clients will not be able to see the three dots where you can edit a questionnaire (name and embed code), delete the questionnaire, or create a questionnaire template. For completed questionnaires, clients will not be able to see the three dots to uncomplete the questionnaire.

Files & Media

**Note** This feature can be toggled off to hide it from everyone on the project.

Designer View

View only Folder

Upload to Folder:

Client View

View only Folder

Upload to Folder

What's different?

Folders/Embeds - Clients will only see Folders/Embeds you choose to share with them. You can choose for the client to only view the files within a folder or to upload files into a folder as well. Clients will not be able to create a New Folder or New Embed.

View only Folder - Clients will not be able to add files to a folder with view only permissions. Clients will not be able to see or click on the three dots on a file within the folder to edit the file name or delete the file from the folder. Clients will not be able to see or click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner inside the folder to edit the folder name, edit share settings, or delete the Files & Media Folder.

Upload to Folder - Clients will not be able to see or click on the three dots on a file within the folder to edit the file name or delete the file from the folder. Clients will not be able to see or click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner inside the folder to edit the folder name, edit share settings, or delete the Files & Media Folder.

Menu under the three dots of a folder - Clients will not be able to see or click on the three dots on a folder in the Files & Media tab to edit share settings, or delete the Files & Media Folder.


Designer View

Client View

What's different?

Tasks: Clients will only see the tasks assigned to them in the calendar.

Calendar Events: Events can have one or more people on them. Everyone who is added to the event will be able to see the event on their calendar.

Appointments: Clients will see all booked appointments (on their projects only).

Task Manager

Designer View

Inside the Task:

Client View

Inside the Task:

What's different?

Task Manager Tab - The client is only able to see tasks that they are specifically assigned to, either as an assignee or as a watcher. They are unable to edit assignees or tags on the outer view of a task. They are also unable to filter by assignees, watchers, or tags. Last they are also not able to create new tasks

Inside a task as an assignee- Clients are able to edit the status of the task, and select the check mark to mark it as done, check off items on the checklist, leave comments back and forth with others on the task, add and download files, and copy the Task Link.

Inside a task as a watcher- Clients are able to leave comments back and forth with others on the task, add and download files, and copy the Task Link.

Inside a task a client can NOT- Change the Task priority, add or remove assignees/watchers, edit the start/end date, track time, change the project, add tags, edit the description, edit/remove/add to the checklist, copy files to the files and media folder, delete files, or archive/delete the task as a whole.

Design / Mood boards

**Note** This feature can be toggled off to hide it from everyone on the project.

Designer View

Inside the Design board

Client View

Inside the Design board

What's different?

Design board Tab - Clients will only see Design boards made visible to them. Clients will be unable to add new Design boards or see the status of visible to client. Clients will be unable to see or click on the three dots on a Design board to edit or delete the Design board.

Inside the Design board - Clients will be unable to Publish or Lock the Design board.

Clients will only be able to see the Item List associated with the images. Clients will be unable to change the name, background color, toggle gridlines, or export an image of the Design board. Clients will be unable to add images, products, or text to the Design board. Clients will be unable to edit the Item list by deleting items, changing the name of products, or moving the items around with rotation, sizing, etc.


**Note** This feature can be toggled off to hide it from everyone on the project.

Designer View

Inside a Note View Only by client:

Inside a List Note Editable by Client:

Client View

Inside a View only Note:

Inside a List Note Editable by Client:

What's different?

Notes tab - Clients can only see the notes you have shared with them. Clients will not see the menu within the three dots to archive or delete a note.

Inside a Note - Clients cannot change the color of a note. Clients cannot change whether or not a note is visible or editable by the client. If the Client is in a View Only note, the Client will not be able to see any note formatting options at the top. Clients will not see the menu within the three dots to archive or delete a note.

Search/Filter - Clients will not be able to filter by Archived or Visible to Client filters.


Designer View

Client View

Designated Messaging is turned off:

Designated Messaging is turned on:

What's different?

Conversations - Clients can only see conversations they are on.

New Conversations -

  • Designated Messaging is turned off - Clients cannot create new conversations. They can only reply within the conversation(s) you've created for them.

  • Designated Messaging is turned off - Clients can create new conversations with the team members who have been added as designated recipients.

Upper right-hand icons - Clients cannot archive conversations. Clients cannot see or click the pencil icon to edit the name of a conversation or edit the people on a conversation.

Archived - Clients are not able to filter to see archived conversations.

User Profile

Designer View

Designer Profile

Client Information

Client View

What's different?

Notes - Clients will not see the notes you have entered into their contact information on your end. Clients will see any addresses, contact information, or profile images you have set for their profile and can edit this information.

Notification Settings - Clients will not receive any charge notification emails (when a client pays an Invoice)

Dark Mode - Clients can set their own light/dark mode. This setting will only effect their profile login.

Saved Payment Methods- When paying an invoice, clients can choose to have their preferred payment method saved in the studio. They can delete their Saved Payment methods from this screen.

If you need any additional support, click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner to chat with a member of our team.

Happy designing!

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